Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Roseanne's Monologue

I love Roseanne and this is the most intense words I ever heard. It sucks that it happened that way.

Everyone wonders where creative people get their inspiration. Actually, I’ve found it’s all around you. Take Leon for instance… Leon is not really as cool as I made him. He’s the only gay guy I know who belongs to the Elk’s Club... Then there’s Scott. He really is a probate lawyer I met about a year ago and introduced to Leon. I guess I didn’t get too creative there… A lot of kids have called my son a nerd but, as I told him, they called Steven Spielberg a nerd too. A lot of times nerds are really artists who just listen to the beat of a different drum… My mom came from a generation where women were supposed to be submissive about everything. I never bought into that, and I wish mom hadn’t either. I wish she had made different choices. So I think that’s why I made her gay. I wanted her to have some sense of herself as a woman… Oh yeah, and she’s nuts… My sister, in real life, unlike my mother, is gay. She always told me she was gay, but for some reason, I always pictured her with a man. She’s been my rock, and I would not have made it this far without her. I guess Nancy’s kind of my hero too… Cause she got out of a terrible marriage and found a great spiritual strength. I don’t know what happened to that husband of hers but in my book I sent him into outer space… When Becky brought David home a few years ago I thought, “This is wrong!” He was much more Darlene’s type… When Darlene met Mark, I thought he went better with Becky… I guess I was wrong. But I still think they’d be more compatible the other way around. So in my writing, I did what any good mother would do. I fixed it… I lost Dan last year when he had his heart attack. He’s still the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. I miss him… Dan and I always felt that it was our responsibility as parents to improve the lives of our children by 50% over our own. And we did. We didn’t hit our children as we were hit, we didn’t demand their unquestioning silence, and we didn’t teach our daughters to sacrifice more than our sons. As a modern wife, I walked a tight rope between tradition and progress, and usually, I failed, by one outsider’s standards or another’s. But I figured out that neither winning nor losing count for women like they do for men. We women are the one’s who transform everything we touch. And nothing on earth is higher than that. My writing’s really what got me through the last year after Dan died. I mean at first I felt so betrayed as if he had left me for another women. When you’re a blue-collar woman and your husband dies it takes away your whole sense of security. So I began writing about having all the money in the world and I imagined myself going to spas and swanky New York parties just like the people on TV, where nobody has any real problems and everything’s solved within 30 minutes. I tried to imagine myself as Mary Richards, Jeannie, That Girl. But I was so angry I was more like a female Steven Segal wanting to fight the whole world. For a while I lost myself in food and a depression so deep that I couldn’t even get out of bed till I saw that my family needed me to pull through so that they could pull through. One day, I actually imagined being with another man. But then I felt so guilty I had to pretend it was for some altruistic reason. And then Darlene had the baby, and it almost died. I snapped out of the mourning immediately, and all of my life energy turned into choosing life. In choosing life, I realized that my dreams of being a writer wouldn’t just come true; I had to do the work. And as I wrote about my life, I relived it, and whatever I didn’t like, I rearranged. I made a commitment to finish my story even if I had to write in the basement in the middle of the night while everyone else was asleep. But the more I wrote, the more I understood myself and why I had made the choices I made, and that was the real jackpot. I learned that dreams don’t work without action; I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or She is right inside you, underneath the pain, the sorrow, and the shame. I think I’ll be a lot better now that this book is done.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Become a ChaCha Guide

Please join my team on ChaCha. My email is Visit and click on Become a Guide.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'm working at ChaCha as a sms Guide and yeah it's been wonderful. I love it. I hate the fact that the company is changing the pay rate. You have to do 300 searches with accuracy of 95%. I wanted to work for ChaCha because of the flexible hours. And I have to make 60 searches in 5/day out of the week, with 95% accuracy. Why can't they just hide their sign up page, or say to people they're not accepting applications at the moment, I mean come on. I was hoping to get .20/per query, but seems like that's not going to happen, not this week anyways. I hate this new pay, I think it's wrong towards new and old Guides. Top Guides are lucky working 8/hrs every day of the week. I have a daughter, I take care of her. This new change is bs.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Back in the day...

I'm here washing dishes and then I started thinking about last night, drinking with my husband and playing cards 21, 31, and speed. I started to remember when I was living at my parents and just thinking about when I used to wait until Friday to go drink with my cousin right next door, she lives with my grandma. I was stick on having fun and having a few drinks with my cousin. We would talk about anything and call up people to try inviting them over to drink more and just hang out. If only I wish to have one more night like that. I miss it sometimes, its cool to get to drink again. Its different through, I'm married with a beautiful baby, I can't get wasted too much because she might wake up during the night. Anyway, I can only hope that my cousin and her husband Johnny could come over and drink at our apartment, won't be at grandma's kitchen anymore. All I wish is to have that first drink again along with Valerie, Crystal(cousin), Johnny, and others.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Work at home or be bored with my baby

I really don't have anything going for me right now. I'm looking towards to the whole working at home. My daughter is already four months old, and the way day care is going I really can't afford to spend that much of money. I looking at ChaCha today I was telling my husband about it and we decided to go ahead to apply. I did. I failed the tests, I think so I don't know which part I'm thinking the typing part killing my chances to become a guide. I thought it was really cool though too. I want a job again, but this time it has to be at home of course. I hope something good happens. No, I want something great to happen to me. I want to be able to have money to shop around for new clothes, the baby is going to grow up yet she still wears her newborn clothes. I was looking at the call operators too today, and I wish we has a darn home phone line here. I don't know when we'll get it but I'm hoping soon. Even if I have to beg my husband about it. I think we will probably get that T-Mobile @ Home phone thing. I really need a phone, and when I do I'm going to apply for West or somewhere. Surveys are all the same questions over and over again, its getting boring I need something that's so different and cool. I hate not able to work because I have the baby to think about and few days every week I babysit which I'm going to do tomorrow it never ends. I don't even get paid but I guess that what friends are for. Anyway, I don't know why I tell them yes -- oh wait maybe it's because we don't live too far away and I'm here at home with my baby and they think it's cool for me to take care of his and her child that is older than mine. I swear sometimes I just can't take it. It tells me to wait on having another baby. I just sit and cry its terrible. My baby starts crying and when I'm attend him, but I attend to her and he starts crying. Never ending cycle.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Looking to find something to do...

I'm really trying my best to start something with my life right now. I wanna work but my daughter is four months old and still growing. I need to do something else with my life for now spending days, sometimes nights home alone with baby while her daddy, my husband is out there working. I wanna go back to school yet, who is going to take care of the little one. And besides, we really need some extra income to help us through the new apartment. I feel the need to work, but the best will have to be at home with the baby. Its getting really boring sitting around the house just basically cleaning and taking care of my baby. For now, I'm researching a few places to work at home, some of those jobs I have to have a fax machine and a home phone line, which I don't have. Also, I'm doing surveys again, I think I have the hang of it better this time than two and half years ago. I'm making money on a couple of sites. I'm hoping to make a living working on the computer since I know how the use computers. I'll make it useful.